use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
print "ExaCodigo\tEctCodigo\tExcCodigo\tTUSS\tSQL";
open(IN,'db')or die $!;
my($ExaCodigo,$EctCodigo,$ExcCodigo)=split (/\t/,$_);
my $link = "http\:\/\/\/tuss.php\?c\=\&e\=$ExcCodigo\&p=\&q\=\&consultar\=";
my $page = get($link) or die "cannot retrieve code\n";
$page =~ s/\n//g;
my $TUSS = $1 if ($page =~ /\sTUSS:\s(\d+)\<\/span\>\s+/);
unless($TUSS) { $TUSS = 'null' }
print "$ExaCodigo\t$EctCodigo\t$ExcCodigo\t$TUSS\tinsert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values ($TUSS) where ExaCodigo = $ExaCodigo and EctCodigo = $EctCodigo\n";
close(IN); _________________________________________________________________________________
DB 16 1 28061144 23 1 28040350 26 1 28061098 33 1 28050037 44 1 28150082 48 1 28060156 64 1 28061608 65 1 28061667 66 1 28061594 67 1 28061748 69 1 28050070 75 1 28060725 77 1 28060229 81 1 28061756 89 1 28060342 90 1 28100140 102 1 28060423
_________________________________________________________________________________ HTML
<input type="text" id="c" name="c" value="" style="margin-left:40px;" /> Código AMB:<input type="text" id="e" name="e" value="28040481" style="margin-left:40px;" /> Descrção TUSS: <input type="text" id="p" name="p" value="" style="margin-left:28px;" /> Descrção AMB: <input type="text" id="q" name="q" value="" style="margin-left:25px;" /> <input name="consultar" type="submit" class="botao" value="" style="border:none;" > </form> </div> <div class='linhaguia'></div> <div class="guiaitemsup"> <div class="guiaitem"> <span class="nome">Código TUSS: 40304361</span> <span class="esp"><span class="tit2">Descrição TUSS: HEMOGRAMA COM CONTAGEM DE PLAQUETAS OU FRACOES (ERITROGRAM</span></span> <span class="end"><b>Código do grupo TUSS: </b>40308<br><b>Grupo TUSS: </b>MEDICINA LABORATORIAL - IMUNOLOGIA<br><b>Código AMB: </b>28040481<br><b>Descrição AMB: </b>HEMOGRAMA COMPLETO (ERITOGRAMA+LEUCOGRAMA+AVALIACAO DE PLAQ<br></span> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id='paginacao'><p class="MyriadCH"><span paginacaobot >1</span></p></div> </div> <div id="lateral"> <div class="clear"></div> <!-- <a href="" title="Autorizador" target="_blank" class="latitem latitemautorizador" ></a> --> <a href="" title="Autorizador" target="_blank" class="latitem latitemautorizador" ></a> <a href="tuss.php" title="TUSS" class="latitem latitemtuss" ></a> <a href="trabalheconosco.php" title="Trabalhe Conosco" class="latitem latitemtrabalhe" ></a> <a href="perguntasfrequentes.php" title="Perguntas Frequentes" class="latitem latitemperguntas" ></a> <a href="faleconosco.php" title="Central de Atendimento" class="latitem latitematend" ></a> <a href="linksuteis.php" title="Links Úteis" class="latitem latitemtels" ></a> <a href="commaissaude.php" title="Com + Saúde" class="latitem latitemprevent" ></a> <a href="imagens/redecredenciada.pdf" title="Rede Credenciada" target="_blank" class="latitem latitemrede" ></a> <br><br> <!-- <div id="abramgeans"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="imagens/site/abramge.png" class="abramge"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="imagens/site/ans.png" class="ans"> </a> </div>--> <div class="clear"></div></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="linha"></div> <div id="rodape"> <div class="central"> <a href="" class="taticaweb" target="_blank"></a> <div id="abramgeans1" style="float: left;margin: -9px 0 0 0;"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="imagens/site/abramge.png" class="abramge" width="58" height="41"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="imagens/site/ans.png" class="ans" width="" height="39"> </a> </div> <div class="rodapeatend"> <span class="cat">Central de Atendimento:</span><span class="tel">(24)4009-4545 | (24)4009-4519</span> <span class="cat">Central de Vendas:</span><span class="tel">(24)4009-8803</span><br /> <span class="cat" style="padding-top:12px; margin-left:-98px;">SAC:</span><span class="tel">0800-0302015
ExaCodigo EctCodigo ExcCodigo TUSS SQL
23 1 28040350 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 23 and EctCodigo = 1
26 1 28061098 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 26 and EctCodigo = 1
33 1 28050037 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 33 and EctCodigo = 1
44 1 28150082 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 44 and EctCodigo = 1
48 1 28060156 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 48 and EctCodigo = 1
64 1 28061608 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 64 and EctCodigo = 1
65 1 28061667 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 65 and EctCodigo = 1
66 1 28061594 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 66 and EctCodigo = 1
67 1 28061748 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 67 and EctCodigo = 1
69 1 28050070 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 69 and EctCodigo = 1
75 1 28060725 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 75 and EctCodigo = 1
77 1 28060229 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 77 and EctCodigo = 1
81 1 28061756 null insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (null) where ExaCodigo = 81 and EctCodigo = 1
89 1 28060342 40306631 insert into ExameCodigoTipo ExaCodigo values (40306631) where ExaCodigo = 89 and EctCodigo = 1
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